How to see someone's likes on TikTok ▷➡️ (2024)

by Sebastian Vidal

Hello Tecnobits! I hope you are ready to discover the mystery of the I like it on TikTok. Let's figure it out together! Now, if you want to learn how to see someone's likes on TikTok,⁣ keep ⁢reading.

How to See Someone's Likes on TikTok

  • Open the ⁤TikTok app ‌on​ your‌ mobile device. Make sure you are signed in to your account.
  • Go to profile of the person whose I like you want to see. You can search for their username in the search bar or click on their name if you see it in your feed.
  • Once⁢ on your profile, look for the ⁢three⁢ horizontal lines‌ icon in the ⁢top⁢ right⁢ corner of the⁤ screen and click on it to open the ⁤options menu.
  • Select the option ⁤ in the drop-down menu.‍ This will take you to a‌ list of all ⁢videos ⁤that‌ this person has given I like it⁣ on TikTok.
  • Explore the list to see what videos this person liked. You can click on each video to view it and see the username of the original creator.

+ Information ➡️

1. How can I see someone's likes on TikTok?

To see someone's likes on TikTok, follow these steps:

  1. Open the ‌TikTok app on your mobile device.
  2. Go to the profile of the user you want to see likes for.
  3. Tap⁢ the three dots icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Choose I like in the menu that appears.
  5. A list of posts that this user has liked will open.
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2. Can I see all of a user's likes on TikTok at once?

Currently, it is not possible to see all of a user's likes on TikTok at once. The platform only allows you to view a list of posts that the user has liked, but does not display all the likes on a single page. It is possible that in future updates, TikTok will incorporate this functionality.

3. How can I⁤ find out who‌ has liked a video on⁤ TikTok?

To see who has liked a video on TikTok, follow these steps:

  1. Open the ⁣TikTok app on your mobile‌ device.
  2. Go to the video of the one you want to see who has liked it.
  3. Tap⁤ the like counter, located below the video.
  4. A list of ⁣users⁢ who have liked the video will open.

4. Can I see how many likes a user has given in total on TikTok?

Currently, TikTok does not provide a way to see how many likes a user has given in total on the platform. The only way to see a user's likes is through the list of posts they have liked, but there is no way to see a user's cumulative total of likes.

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5. Are the likes I give on TikTok public?

The likes you give on TikTok are public by default. This means⁤ other people can see the posts⁤ you've liked‌ unless⁣ you've changed your privacy settings to hide them. If you want to keep your likes private, you can adjust the privacy settings in your profile.

6. Can I hide the likes I give on TikTok?

To hide the likes you give on TikTok, follow these steps:

  1. Open the TikTok app on your mobile device.
  2. Go to your‌ profile⁣ by tapping the icon Yo in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Tap the three dots in the top right corner⁤ and select Privacy and settings.
  4. Choose ​and activate the option to hide your ⁤likes.

7. Can I see a user's likes if they have blocked me on TikTok?

No, if a user has blocked you on TikTok, you won't be able to see their likes or interact with their account at all. ⁢Blocking prevents you from seeing all content and activity of the user who blocked you, including their likes.

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8. Can I see someone's likes if I don't follow their account on TikTok?

Yes, you can see any user's likes on TikTok, even if you don't follow their account. Simply go to the profile of the user you want to see the likes of and follow the steps mentioned in the first question to access the list of posts that have been liked.

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9. Is there a way to receive notifications when someone likes my videos on TikTok?

There is no​ feature to specifically receive notifications when someone likes your videos on TikTok. However, you will receive general notifications when someone interacts with your posts, including any likes they receive.

10. Can I see the likes of my own videos on TikTok?

Yes, you can see the likes your own videos have received on TikTok. To do this, go to your profile, then select the tab your likes to see the list of posts you've liked, including your own videos that have been liked by other users.

Until next time,⁤ friends! And remember, if you want to know how to see someone's likes on TikTok, visit Tecnobits to get the best guide. ⁢See you soon.

You may also be interested in this related content:

  • How to upload high-quality videos to TikTok
  • How to delete your account on TikTok
  • How to hide followers from friends on TikTok

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How to see someone's likes on TikTok ▷➡️ (1)

Sebastian Vidal

My name is Sebastián Vidal, I am a computer engineer and technology and DIY enthusiast. In addition, it just so happens that I am also the creator of, a website with which I hope to teach everything I know and bring technology closer to everyone with hundreds of tutorials.

How to see someone's likes on TikTok ▷➡️ (2024)
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