Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (2024)

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This Weetbix & Date Loaf is a lovely classic recipe, so moist and delicious.

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (1)

The ingredients for this recipe have been kindly gifted by Countdown Supermarkets

Another lovely recipe handed down in the notebooks of Great Aunty Lucy. As my Mum said this is the gift that keeps on giving. Such a blessing to have these lovely resources and to be able to keep these recipes alive here forever.

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (2)

The other great thing about these recipes is they use pantry basics and no fancy ingredients so if you have a good store of baking ingredients these will be lovely to make over and over again.

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (3)

This loaf is lovely, moist, rich and delicious. It would be perfect for a morning or afternoon tea, in lunch boxes or to feed hungry workers. It freezes beautifully too so you could double the recipe if you have two loaf tins and freeze one for another day.

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (4)

As with all of these hand me down recipes the origins are unknown, I have found a few similar versions online.

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (5)

Lovely simple ingredients, see if you have these in the pantry today

  • Weetbix

  • Dates

  • White Sugar

  • Butter

  • Baking Soda

  • Boiling Water

  • Egg

  • Vanilla Essence

  • Self Raising Flour

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (6)

If you are anything like us you will have leftover weetbix crumbs at the end of a packet, I keep these to use in baking. A weetbix weighs between 17 & 20 grams, so you can easily measure what you need for recipes to create the equivalent to what is needed in any given recipe.

The method for this one is quite fun too, you add the bulk of the ingredients to a bowl and pour boiling water over it to soften up the ingredients for around 5 minutes.

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (7)

I have added vanilla essence to my recipe as I simply love adding it in anywhere I can for extra flavour!

Then add the remaining ingredients one at a time and spoon into the prepared loaf tin. Baking takes a while, between 45 minutes and an hour depending on the size of the loaf tin and your oven.

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (8)

It is important that you bake until the centre is cooked and no wet batter remains when you insert a knife or skewer. This loaf will have a lovely dark golden brown appearance.

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (9)

This recipe keeps really well and freezes beautifully also. The size of the loaf tin for this recipe is 9 x 5 inches which is approximately 22cm x 12 cm, so quite small but perfect for this recipe.

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (10)

If you are a fan of loaf recipes then check out these popular ones

Double Chocolate Banana Loaf

Sultana Loaf

Delicious Lemon Syrup Loaf

Banana Bread

4 Ingredient Fruit Loaf

Which one will you make next?

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (11)

Please enjoy this recipe for Weetbix and Date Loaf

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (12)

Yield: 12

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 50 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Delicious moist loaf, packed with flavour.


  • 4 Weetbix, 75 grams approx, crushed
  • 3/4 Cup White Sugar, 155 grams
  • 3 Tablespoons Butter, 42 grams
  • 1 Cup Dates, 130 grams, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 1 Cup Boiling Water, 250 mls
  • 1 Egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
  • 1 Cup Self Raising Flour, 145 grams


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 C Bake, 355 F
  2. Prepare a 22 x 12cm loaf tin with baking spray and baking paper. I line it in one direction then in the other, so that this forms a sling I can lift the loaf out with
  3. In a medium bowl add the crushed weetbix, sugar, butter, chopped dates and baking soda
  4. Pour over this the boiling water and with a spatula press down the ingredients so it is coated in the water
  5. Let this stand for 5 minutes until softened
  6. Stir well to blend the ingredients together
  7. In a small bowl or cup beat together the egg and vanilla and add this to the mixture and combine
  8. Add to this the self raising flour and mix well, careful not to overmix
  9. Spoon this mixture into a loaf tin and spread until even
  10. Bake for 45 minutes to one hour. The cooking time will depend on your oven and the size of the loaf pan.
  11. I checked on mine every 5 minutes from 45 minutes, you want a knife or a skewer in the centre of the loaf to come out clean of any wet batter and is golden brown.
  12. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool for ten minutes before removing it from the tin and cooling completely on a wire rack
  13. Once cool place in an airtight container. This recipe also freezes well
  14. Enjoy!
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 12Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 293Total Fat: 10gSaturated Fat: 6gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 3gCholesterol: 38mgSodium: 325mgCarbohydrates: 50gFiber: 4gSugar: 20gProtein: 5g

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I hope you enjoy this recipe, please let me know in the comments below what you think of it!

Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (13)

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Happy Baking!


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Weetbix and Date Loaf - The Best Recipe! Just a Mum's Kitchen (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.